USA Select 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024
European Exposure Tours Most Successful Ever
As the 2024/25 NCAA season ends usually most players lose their chance to showcase their skills for a chance a playing professional. We are here to help
Many players face the realization that their college playing days are over. For many, they are the last competitive days of basketball. For the lucky few, the opportunity to play as a professional in Europe is real. We at USA Select Basketball can possibly help in that dream.
In 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 we took a total of 15 teams on an incredible exposure tour of Europe. Our Red team won the World Club Invitational Basketball Tournament just south of London, Won the Malta Elite Professional Tournament (twice) with teams from all over Europe. Played in Finland, Norway, England, Scotland, Wales….Our Blue team won the Stuart Robbins Memorial Tournament in Ireland! We had players get picked up and offered contracts right on the tour!
In just the past 7 years, our process has created 68 contract opportunities for players who had never played pro!
We are currently scheduling our 2025 European Professional Exposure our and have commitments from 5 countries who want to see our players. It all starts with our Exposure Combine May 30 – June 3 at The Middle College in Greensboro, NC were we fly in coaches from Europe to evaluate and offer opportunities. After the Compline, we then invite remaining “Free Agents” to join us on the single best opportunity they may ever get to earn a pro contract—–we take them directly to the action in Europe and play pro teams, in their gyms, during their preseason while they are still finalizing rosters sports.
That allows our players to earn a chance right in front of the actual decision makers!

Each year, we hold a series of tryout camps, where we evaluate players all over the United States who feel like they can play as a professional, but need the exposure or help to get there. Over the course of these camps, we at USA Select basketball will offer the players we feel have displayed the ability to play from these mini camps the chance to play in our Charlotte based FINAL EVALUATION Camp, where we actually start filling jobs and select the team for the very exciting 2020 European Exposure Tour.
The following players all signed as a result of our recent tours: Aerris Smith (Wofford College ) Malcolm Smith (Lipscomb University) Jalen Watson (Coker College) and Brandon Winfred ( UNC Pembroke)Austin Steed (University of South Carolina) (all pictured below)

We will actually take players to Europe and play many top teams in an effort to expose your skills directly to the decision makers! Jourdan Devoll (pictured below left) got his first contract after the 2015 Tour. So did Colton McGriff (pictured below center) Brain Reid (below right) is another USA Select success. You can be next!

Jourdan Devoll

Colton McGriff

Brian Reid
We have 25+ year relationships with teams all over Europe! These coaches are our friends, in many cases our history goes back to the 1980′s with them!

We use a wonderful 2 wooden court facility, certified referees, video every single game, live stream games all over the world for maximum exposure. We have certified trainers on staff and you will play at least 8 games!

We expect to have quite a few jobs to fill over the summer. Historically, I have been contacted by several leagues with upwards of 20+ jobs on the line!!!! That is before we go on tour!

In addition to selection our travel team, we have invited, and expect to see scouts and agents from France, Switzerland and the UK in attendance. We plan to stream our camp to our contacts all over Europe!

Between 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 we took 21 teams on tour to Europe and played in excess of 345+ games! A tremendous number of tryouts and exposure opportunities were created as a result of those games! We have already begun scheduling for the 2021 European Exposure Tour and we plan to take 2 teams on tour in September.

We usually get contacted about dozens of jobs as soon as the current season ends. We will look to fill a lot of those jobs over the course of the camp. The remaining campers will then be evaluated for the actual tour in September of 2021 where we bring you to the action. Our tour has been quite successful over the years getting under exposed players jobs. Many of you have met / known players we have helped in the past, so you know we can help. Never an agency fee!!

Be sure to e-mail me your basketball profile in a Microsoft Word format. I have teams that need them now to start their evaluation process. You may also request to have your profile hosted on this site for all to see. Details below.