Sean Kilmartin On The Success Of USA Select – Click here to read more!

USA Select Basketball European Exposure Combine and Euro Tour Tryouts
We are not agents! We are a fraternity of players helping players get a chance, a real chance, to play pro. We cannot (and do not) promise you a job. We do promise we will try and for more than 16 years, we have been very successful helping players just like you! If we cannot get you a job at our camp, you may be offered to go directly to Europe on our annual exposure tour in September and play teams in their gyms in front of their crowds, their owners to convince them to give you a chance!
Our 2025 European Professional Exposure Combine is
May 30 – June 3, at The Middle College, Greensboro, NC
We have real relationships all over Europe! Last year alone we had all star performers in several countries!
Here is an article on our Exposure Tour from Eurobasket….
Click on this link to see our exposure from a previous Tour!
Each of these players in the photos came to us with a dream to be a pro! Look where they are now!

2025 USA Select European Exposure Tour tryout camp
May 30 – June 1
The Middle College
1510 Walker Ave
Greensboro, NC 27412
Your chance to play pro basketball starts May 30th
Basic Information:
USA Select European Exposure Combine
May 30 – June 1, 2025
Event Check in : The Middle College 1510 Walker Ave, Greensboro, NC 27412
11 am MAY 30th
To Register, you have 2 Choices:
1) Prepay in full ($275)
2) Reserve you spot by filling out online form pay $10, then pay $300 cash only at camp
Click here to save your spot and register by paying $10, $300 in cash at registration
Click here to join –
Basic Information:
When: May 30 – June 1, 2025
Where: The Middle College
1510 Walker Ave
Greensboro, NC 27412
*Friday May 30th
Players should arrive and check in their hotels if they are coming from distances.
Closest airport is Greensboro (GSO) 10 miles, Raleigh Durham (RDU) 67 miles Charlotte (CLT) (95 miles)
(if you need transportation from Greensboro Airport or Greensboro bus station see below) Your hotel choice and expense in not included, however we will have discounted hotels listed on website soon.
Optional early registration at gym along with optional coaches workout. 6pm-9pm
*Saturday May 31st
8.30 am-9.30 Registration The Middle College (see AAU Signs)
10.30-11.15 seminar on Euro teams, contracts, evaluation process, Euro Exposure Tour then seminar
11.30-1 Warm Up, Skill Evaluations, Euro Training
1-2 break / rest ( Coaches meet to do initial evaluations and draft for teams)
2.15-2.45 meeting team assignments
3pm to 8 pm evaluation games
*Sunday June 1st
9am players arrive on site, group meeting, then warmups, evaluation games and then small group meetings
4-6 pm All star Games
6.15 final meetings, evaluations
7pm camp dismissal
Registration: TWO OPTIONS
1) Preregister on line ($10) and pay at door to save your spot and pay $300 cash at door
2) Prepay in full here: PayPal or CashApp
Cost: Cost: $275 (plus PayPal fee $10) , prepay Pay on line here or $SeanKilmartin (cash app)
Visit at
Accommodation: Hotel information
coming soon
Transportation: If you need shuttle from airport/train stations for our FINAL EVALUATION CAMP ONLY call coach Brown 817-933-7718
This will be a games based camp, we have Euro jobs to fill and we will make FINAL selections for our 2025 European Exposure Tour
To reserve your spot, e mail: either preregister for $1 or prepay in full.
See above.

Malcolm (top row) came from a mid-major program who simply needed exposure. He got picked up right on tour and has been a pro for 3 year! Larry (top row) came to us as a higher coring D3 players with no exposure or relationships to get his foot in the door. We got him his first contact after our Exposure Tour! Ashley (top row) came to us from a mid major school with dreams of being a pro, we believed in him. We got him his first pro contact (look at his stats) AND he got a master’s degree in Europe! Cordaris (pictured at top) came from a small school with a big game, we found him his start to a great career. Leo (above middle) came to us as a versatile player with no exposure. He did not fit the mold of any one pscific position, but we knew he could play. Leo became a pro in several countries! from a little-known Nick (right) needed someone to trust in him, we did, it paid off! Larry Below), (bottom ) heard about us, came to us and it paid off! PLAYER OF THE YEAR

Chris came to us years ago with a big dream! He was not a player, but he loved the game and had a great understanding of it! His dream was to work for an NBA team! He started his basketball as an intern and has now been a professional scout for over 6 NBA Teams!

All of these players came to us when no one else believed in them. WE DID. We want to help you
“USA Select European Exposure Tours prove incredibly successful in Helping Players”!
Over the past 19+ years, USA Select Basketball European Exposure Tours, has been among the most successful ways to get players real exposure, in front of Pro Teams, the Managers and Coaches. From Clubs seeing the players at our camps via live streaming or in person, or while traveling overseas during our Tour, USA Select Basketball has been instrumental in players signing their first contracts.
USA Select Basketball is a fraternity of retired International players helping young ballers get their start! We have decade’s long friendships with the Teams, the Owner’s, Agents and Coaches all over Europe. We use our relationships, that have been developed over these years, to help get a players foot in the door and jump start to their Pro Careers. Over the years, it has been our mission to, educate players on the overseas market, understand that they are not the only player competing for that job, players will not get signed immediately and that all players coming out of college are not “Pros”. The process of becoming a Professional Player is not easy and therefore we developed this multi-pronged approach to help players out and to take them directly to the action to be seen.
We do this by playing teams in Europe during the preseason while they are still looking for players or working on their rosters. We expect this year to be our most successful ever!
It starts with our European Exposure camp held May 30 – June 1, at The Middle College, Greensboro, NC. During these 3 days, our Coaches and Scouts evaluate players for professional teams not only in Europe, but around the globe. Throughout the camp, we video every game and Live Stream them in high quality to teams with whom we have created great personal relationships over the past 35+ plus years. If we can get you a contract directly from camp, we will. NO AGENCY FEES!
If you do not get a contract, then we have the best option to help you get the recognition
you want….We take you directly to the action! Click here to register for The 2025 European Exposure Tour!
Congratulations Ashley Williams for being in D2′s MVP!
Will you be next??

2019 USA SELECT Tour alum Ashley Williams
” This Is How We Do It ” – Click here
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